The night comes too quickly.



There is something about this time of year that leaves me sad. It’s the shortened days. Can we just leave the clock at one place? It’s leaving work knowing that I’ve wasted all the daylight hours sitting at a desk. It’s the knowing that you have about one hour of light left in the day on the drive home.

It’s the holidays. The sappy commercials on tv and holiday music on every station and in every store that follow you around making you remember the things and people that are no more or just can not be.

It’s the birthday coming up that will be without my closest friends near and the feeling that One never will.

The night comes too quickly.

One Response to “The night comes too quickly.”

  1. Nooooo Kiki! That’s the winter blues. But you can fight them if you start planning your next trip, even it is somewhere closer to home. I have found that making plans generally helps.
    Sometimes when i am really low i pretend i am a big hollywood star after a disastrous movie or break up and i have to rise like a phoenix so that my next press release says “A new contract for a gazzillion euros was signed today between chloe and…” or “chloe is in talks to buy a castle in…” or just “chloe announced that she has found happiness”.
    It is silly, but i am too.

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